
Two other sites worth checking in this area are Nam Sang Wai and the Hong Kong Wetland Park. The former is known as a place where it is possible to get good close-up views of gulls when the tide is right in winter. The latter opened to the public only in 2006 but should have the potential for some good birds.
Key Species
Temminck’s Stint, Long-toed Stint, Red-necked Stint, Collared Dove, Collared Crow.
Other Species

Other Wildlife
Mongoose is not uncommon in this area.
Survey the Deep Bay waters for Great Crested Grebe and views of Dalmatian Pelicans across the other side of the bay. Osprey commonly perch on posts in the bay. Check out the disused paddies for Red Turtle Dove, Sooty-headed Bulbul, starlings, buntings and thrushes. Many species of wader occur in the ponds and this is also an excellent location for raptors. Collared Dove is relatively easy to find in the fish pond area and given the apparent spread of this species at other sites along the south China coast it is not unlikely that the species is naturally expanding its range southwards.
Habitat and Vegetation
Coastal mangrove, fishponds, disused paddy.
Getting there
Access to Tsim Bei Tsui is via Yuen Long or Tin Shui Wai. The easiest way to get to Yuen Long from Central is to take the MTR to Nam Cheong and change to the KCR West Rail which then goes on to Yuen Long. A green minibus #35 runs to Tsim Bei Tsui from Tai Fung street in Yuen Long. In order to avoid a long walk back continue through the fish ponds and out to the other side at Shing Uk Tsuen where green minibus #74 departs back to Yuen Long.To get to Tin Shui Wai there are direct Citibuses from Admiralty on Hong Kong island. From Yuen Long/Tin Shui Wai to Tsim Bei Tsui a taxi costs around HK$90. The Hong Kong Wetland Park, which opened in May 2006, is on the north side of Tin Shui Wai. To get there take West Rail to Tin Shui Wai and then take the LRT, route 705, 706 or 761, to Wetland Park station. From there it is a 5 minute walk to the Wetland Park itself. The entrance fee is HK$30 for adults.
Nam Sang Wai is located north-west of Kam Tin (and is shown on that map as well). There is no public transport to this site which is thus best reached by taxi either from Kam Tin or Yuen Long.
General Information
Altitude: 0-100m Disturbance: not significant. The bridge from Nim Wan to Shekou on the Shenzhen side of Deep Bay was completed in 2007 and has had an impact on the Deep Bay tides.